How To Effectively Use Keywords In Article Marketing

To make money online with articles it’s important to know how to optimize the article not only with the correct keywords but also their placement. The objective of your article should be to get the reader interested in visiting your website and check out the product or service you are providing or simply to be a repeat visitor. That being said lets take a look at how to use and place keywords in your article.

A keyword is a word or phrase that is the focal point of the article. Lets say you want to write an article that will attract readers to your website that sells tires for red bicycles. Possible keywords could be bicycle, red bicycle or tire or red bicycle tire, the best choice in my opinion is red bicycle tire. Red bicycle tires is what your site is about ergo that’s what the focus of the article should be about. Setting up the structure of your article this way is good search engine optimization and that’s very important when you want to make money online. Your article will have the keyword phrase red bicycle tire, and it will provide a link to your site which is about red bicycle tires. So far we’re on the right track. The next thing we need to focus on is keyword density.

Keyword density refers to the amount of times your keyword or keyword phrase is used through out the article. I won’t site specifics here but you should be aware that every article directory probably has their own guidelines as to what density will be allowed. This is done primarily to maintain a certain level of integrity in the submitted article and to prevent spamming. For example if you as a consumer were looking for a legitimate article on red bicycle tires and you ran across an article that really said nothing about the subject you were searching for but just constantly repeated the phrase red bicycle tire, you’d likely skip right over it and move on to the next site. This is no good for the article directory plus the search engines will most likely not recognize the article as being anything but spam. In other words the website owner and article author is just wasting their time. The article directories won’t want them and the search engines won’t recognize them. When you’re trying to make money online this is not the way to go about it.

Placement of the keyword or phrase is important as well. It’s common practice to try and use the keyword in the title of the article. The next place your keyword should show up is in the first paragraph of the article. Of course the keyword should be judicially placed in the body of the article and it should show up again in the ending paragraph.

Using articles to make money online is a very prudent. Keep in mind that some thought needs to be put into the keyword or phrase, its density and placement in the article.

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